Friday, December 7, 2012

Night Time Fun Times

How pitifully friendships work out for me is quite humorous. For whatever reason, when it comes to long-form, meaningful friendships, I can't get along with people, and other people can't get along with me. It makes me quite depressed but I've grown accustomed to the feeling of loneliness. Isolating myself in my room can be a bit of an enlightening, relaxing experience, really.

Around 8:00 PM or so, I decided to have my Dad drive me down to the local grocery store so I could grab a $50 iTunes card to have fun with for the night and to use for comics next week. I was going to walk down before dinner, as it's around a fifteen to twenty minute walk, but it was raining and I wasn't going to have that. Once I got home, I purchased two comic books - Matt Fraction's Fantastic Four #1 and Jonathan Hickman's Avengers #1 - and two games - Superbrothers Sword and Sworcery EP and Bastion - on my iPad.

I had some serious fun with these things.

Fantastic Four #1 blew my feeble mind. I'm starting to fall in love with Matt Fraction, if I'm going to be honest here. I really appreciate his sense of humor, and he does a fantastic job of writing these characters here. Thing and Human Torch are hilarious and charming as lovable-oaf and haughty-hotty characters, respectively. He can certainly bring the drama, too, which is seen most in this issue through Franklin's troubles as a troubled, "normal" kid in a fantastic family. I'm going to stick with this and FF for the long haul. In love.

And Avengers #1, I have to say, is incredibly epic. Hickman does a good job of showcasing the scope of the Avengers and establishing what's probably going to be a large thematic point in his run: expansion. The bad guys that Captain America and his massive team is up against at the moment is super-formidable and badass, which certainly helps. Oh and God I love the artwork. I'm gonna try to follow this book as well.

And yeah I played some of Superbrothers Sword and Sworcery. The graphics are breathtaking and the soundtrack is also quite wonderful. So far it's basically just pretty aesthetics and intrigue and quirkiness but that's cool. It's actually a bit of a creepy game, which I didn't expect.

And uh-huh I played some Bastion. I played the demo when it originally hit XBLA and loved it, but never bought the full game. For $5 I decided to finally pick it up on my fancy iPad. And it's very, very fun, and very pretty, and has some really good tunes. The game's gimmick - a dynamic narration that forms itself around the player's actions - is really neat so far. I think this is the type of game that may wear thin before its conclusion, but we'll see.

That was my night. It was fun. I chilled out and read comics and played video games. And I wrote this blog post.

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