Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Matt's Weekly Comics - 12/12/12


December 12, 2012, for me, is relevant most for being the due date of this big Chemistry project that was way too lame because of my own procrastination and technical difficulties and indifference to the subject matter. But it's also relevant as a neat-o little thing! 12-12-12! Once a century!

And yeah it's also relevant for being a comic book day. And bejeezus, this was a good one! Death of the Family had three very compelling books! Matt Fraction's stellar Fantastic Four continued! The only Before Watchmen book I care about at the moment continued! Also an Amazing Spider-Man .1 I almost didn't buy came out! GET THE POINT I guess!

I chose to plow through the Death of the Family stuff first because it's so excitingly compelling so far. I tackled Batman #15 before any other, of course. I really love where the story's going, and Capullo's art and Scott's dialogue is still stellar. I still think Scott's tackling of Joker-maybe-knowing-their-identities is still pretty heavy-handed, but it's still enjoyable. Scott's arc also moves INCREDIBLY slow, which makes the wait for new issues pleasantly aggravating, but it also makes each read feel a bit unsatisfying. Either way, it ends on a very creepy, fun plot point, so I can't wait for #16.

I read through Batgirl #15 next and I really, really loved it. It was IMMENSELY satisfying to see Barbara LOSE HER SHIT and brutally beat the snot out of the Joker, FINALLY letting out the rage she's felt for four years. There's also a fun flashback to a therapy session Joker had, which is very creepy and cleverly relates to the present. My only complaints: Barbara walks RIGHT into a big trap, and the aforementioned therapist breaks down much faster than I'd expect from a professional of her assumed caliber (they chose her to interview the freaking Joker).

Then I read Batman and Robin #15 and HOLY CRAP book of the week by a long shot. SO, so amazing. The art is INCREDIBLE. Patrick Gleason does HORRIFYING and very gory things with Joker's detached face. It's saying a lot, but I can say - without a doubt - that his Joker kicks the crap out of Capullo's very impressive work. Tomasi's writing is also absolutely amazing. He has the Joker really dive into Damian's psyche and has the clown do some nasty things to him. Such a good comic.

I also read Dr. Manhattan #3 from DC, and it continues to be insane, high-concept, philosophical scientific awesomesauce.

And then Fraction, oh my Jesus, FRACTION, I LOVE YOU MAN. Amongst Hawkeye, Fantastic Four, FF... this dude is my favorite creator right now. His bizarre brain and uncanny ability to be simultaneously hilarious and charming is... amazing. I love this freaking book so much. Oh and THING AND SHE-HULK BOM CHICKA WOW WOW...

Finally, Amazing Spider-Man #699.1. I almost didn't buy it. But I'm very glad I did. It's very well-written and the artwork is really up my alley. This is essentially a prelude to a brand new ongoing series about Morbius, a vampire in the Spidey universe, and I may actually have to read it. He's a very compelling, interesting character.

That's it for this week kids. Allow me to take my pills because my back hurts!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!

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