Thursday, May 16, 2013

Remember Me?

I haven't thrown any new content up on this blog in... awhile!

Hey. What's that? What have I been up to? Well, I've been writing for this comics blog I created called The Comic Current.

It's a good blog. I'm very proud of it. Tweets linking to various posts have been retweeting by folks like Dan Slott (main Spider-Man writer for years), Charles Soule (current writer on Swamp Thing), Allison Strejlau (artist on the Regular Show comic), etc. My main hobby has been comics for the past two years or so, and that's one outlet in which I share my love for it all.

I still have other things I'd like to write, but I haven't been doing that as much! I wrote about Homophobia for my personal blog on Tumblr this one time. It was good stuff. I also wrote something today that is relevant to this blog.

I'm coming back. I've been writing a lot for The Comic Current, but I don't just want to write about comics. I want to write about video games and movies and politics and music and maybe even some creative stuff, and this is where that's gonna happen. Tumblr is pretty trendy and is a slick and cool way to get your work around the web, but Blogger one-ups it when it comes to accessing older work and stuff like that. So I'll have content firing on both outlets.

Expect cool stuff soon, and frequently; both here and on The Comic Current.

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