This was a pretty darn good week for comic books; for what I pick up, at least. And pretty even on the DC vs. Marvel side of things. I'll write about them in the order in which I read them.
I decided to wake up and eat a Cheerios breakfast this morning because I'm on a diet and, ya know, eating breakfast is cracked up to be all healthy and stuff. And I also decided to read Swamp Thing #15 as I ate, as DC puts their books up super-early now and Swamp Thing was my most-anticipated DC book of this week.
It's sweet. I really enjoyed myself. This is easily Marco Rudy's best work on this book. The imagery here is very disturbing, very detailed and very interesting. The coloring is also fantastic! A good bit does happen here as well. A badass battle with William, creepy moment between Arcane and Abby, and tantalizing last-page reveal make this is a really good time. It's a good time!
When I got home from school (after a ruthless standardized test!), the first comic I read was the latest issue of Amazing Spider-Man from that Looney Toon Dan Slott, #699.
Man, Slott is going there!
I've read Amazing Spider-Man since the Spider-Island prelude, barring the Alpha and Hobgoblin story arcs, and it's a bit of hit or miss. It's sometimes pretty great, sometimes meh. But I'm very excited about the ballsy crap Slott is doing with Spider-Man right now. The lead-up to "Superior Spider-Man" is very enjoyable, and man, when that new book hits, it's gonna rule.
For people that read the issue, though: That panel of Aunt May we see when Peter is looking through Doc Ock's mind?!? The hell was that!?
I read Deadpool next, and while this book is progressively doing less and less for me as issues come out, it's still enjoyable. The crazy gore and violence isn't here, and the jokes aren't as hot as past issues, but I laughed for about thirty seconds straight over a dick joke, so that's worth something.
Then, uh, Avenging Spider-Man #15 I guess was next? I absolutely ADORE the art in this issue: my new wallpapers for the week are both images from this comic. And the story was good fun too, unlike the issue before that set up the story that this issue completed - that issue's story wasn't all that entertaining. We get to see dinosaurs fight, Spider-Man consider taking up drinking, and the super-cool Horizon Labs crew held captive by a crazy evil genius guy. Which is EXACTLY the kind of things I love to see from this book.
Hawkeye! It's my favorite of the bunch! Pick of the week! Wee!
Excellent comic book. Loads of little touches of humor, wit, and witty humor. I didn't like that the last issue set up a two-part, high-stakes story, but this issue makes it all worth it. The story has a satisfying conclusion that makes what you read in the last issue seem a whole lot more light-hearted. This guest artist is pretty good but he ain't got nothin on Aja, which is my only complaint. And when the only weak aspect of a book is "pretty good," it's a good sign!
And what a sweet little ending this book had. <3
Up next was Animal Man #15, and it was a good read. It's not as good as Swamp Thing #15, but it's good stuff. I especially like the creepy moments between William and Buddy's little wing, which the book transitions wonderfully to and fro with stark changes in art style. Exploiting the inherent innocence and weakness of a child for horror always spooks me. And this book has a fun last-page reveal just like Swampy does this week. It does a great job of teasing the reader until the curve ball of an ending finally comes.
Lastly, Batwing #15, which is a little odd, as there's a new writer AND artist, even though this issue continues [and seemingly ends] the story arc that Judd Winick was writing. It's a good issue, though. The art appears more fitting than To's work, at least so far. The writing is high-quality, and the already-entertaining story arc came to an enjoyable conclusion. It will be interesting to see where this book goes next.
My head kind of hurts, I should probably go eat something! I'm thinking a banana!
ADDENDUM: hey, proof-reading matt here. i actually ate an apple.
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